
In this section you will find a selection of projects that are either currently being supported by the Trust or that have been completed since 2008. A list of the projects carried out prior to 2008 is available here.   Please follow this page to keep in touch with particular projects that interest you.

Project TitleCarried Out ByTimescale
Wildfire exposure and directional vulnerability assessmentsBangor University2024
The Dynamic Conservation of Genetic Diversity in Juniper - Phase 2Centre for Ecology and Hydrology2023-2025
Balancing Benefits and Trade Offs from Future ForestsUniversity of Stirling2023-2026
Built by Nature: Sharing value chain stories to facilitate changeEvolving Forests2023-2024
Creating Canopy: the biology and practice of establishing trees and woodlands for people and natureAssociation of Applied Biologists2023
Quantifying the Magnitude and Duration of Tree Water StressForest Research2023-2025
The Environmental Impact of Horse Logging in the UKChristina Jackson-Szczyrbowski (Liverpool John Moo...2023-2024
Working Woods for ForestersInstitute of Chartered Foresters with ASHS2023-2023
An Easier Route for Strength Grading HardwoodsEdinburgh Napier University2022-2026
Efficacy of One-Way Hare Structures in Woodland AreasScottish Woodlands2022-2023
Early Researchers Conference FundScottish Forestry Trust2022-2023
Voices of the Forest ReprintBirlinn Ltd/ Mairi Stewart2022
Working Woods Scotland Course 2022 & 2023Association of Scottish Hardwood Sawmillers (ASHS)2022-2023
The Economic and Social Benefits of Native WoodsCommunity Woodlands Association2022-2023
Hylobius Industry Research Programme Conference 2022Confor on behalf of HIRP partnership2022
Identification of Filamentous Pathogens in LeavesUniversity of Birmingham (BiFor)2021-2024
Identifying Alternatives to Conventional Plastic Tree SheltersForest Research in behalf of the Forestry Plastics...2021-2027
Woodland to Workshop Course - Scotland 2021Association of Scottish Hardwood Sawmillers (ASHS)2021
Use of Trees by Bats: Implications for Forestry ManagementDr Lauren Harrington2021-2022
Nutrient Cycling in Upland Forest SoilsMiddlesex University2021-2023
Pilot Initiative to Inspire Future Foresters via STEM Activity in SchoolsConfor2021-2024
Enhancing Integrated Pest Management in ForestryForest Research2020-2026
Wild Service (Sorbus torminalis) Provenance TrialWoodland Heritage2020-2023
Developing a Research and Development ProspectusConfor2020
Dynamic conservation of genetic diversity in JuniperCEH/Edinburgh University/Forest Research2020-2023
Securing good quality acorn material in the UKFuture Trees Trust2020-2024
Improved pretreatments and fractionation of soft and hardwoods to access feedstock chemicalsUniversity of St Andrews2019-2023
An Interview with George Stewart (born 1919): A century in forestryRoyal Scottish Forestry Society2019
Untapped Provenances of Sitka spruceForest Research2019-2021
Addressing uncertainty to improve urban tree management University of Southampton 2019-2022
Improving outcomes in montane woodland restorationUniversity of Stirling2019-2025
Alternative techniques for managing Hylobius abietisForest Research2019
Developing an Industry Contribution MechanismConfor2019
MySafety App: mobile technology applied to improve Forest SafetyInvigilatis Ltd2019-2020
Support for attendance of early career scientists at IUFRO 2019 World CongressForest Research2019
Digital Quarterly Journal of Forestry: Early YearsRoyal Forestry Society2018
Future proofing British conifer forestry in response to Phytophthora ramorumForest Research2018-2021
The multi-trophic consequences of ash dieback – a baseline survey of Wytham WoodsUniversity of Oxford2018-2019
Career paths and Education Provision for ForestryUniversity of Aberdeen 2018-2019
Assessing the risk of chemical runoff following use of Gazelle SG as a pre-treatment and top-up spray in forestry.Forest Research2017-2020
Monitoring and managing genetic diversity in Sitka spruceForest Research/Edinburgh University2018-2021
Predicting impacts of extreme weather events in UK forestsStirling University2018-2021
Studying a mycovirus from Dothistroma septosporumImperial College London2018-2020
Assessing the value of secondary woodlands for biodiversityUniversity of Stirling2017-2018
Using satellite imagery to improve Hylobius predictionForest Research2017-2018
Future Foresters Sector Skills and Training Research Project for England and WalesRoyal Forestry Society2017-2018
Assessing the value of secondary woodlands for biodiversityUniversity of Stirling2017-18
Putting UK Bats on the mapForest Research2017-2019
Improving Biodiversity in Lowland Planted WoodlandsFalkland Stewardship Trust/Dr Rick Worrell2017-2020
Mapping impacts of Phytophthora austrocedri in juniperCentre for Ecology and Hydrology/Forest Research/U...2017-2021
Improving the understanding and management of Phoenix TreesDr Rick Worrell/Falkland Stewardship Trust2016-2018
The Ecology and Genetics of Native Scottish Crab AppleDr Rick Worrell/Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh/Fa...2016-2018
Development and Publication of Tree Work GuidesArboricultural Association2016-2019
Shaping the Future of ForestrySylva Foundation2016-2017
Epidemiology of Phytophthora ramorum on Larix spp. and host responses to infection Forest Research/Oxford University2016-2019
Scottish Forestry - RSFS Society Journal DigitisationRoyal Scottish Forestry Society2016
Woodland Planting and Natural Flood ManagementHeriot Watt University2015-2019
Silvicultural diversity and birds in Scots pine forestsBritish Trust for Ornithology2015-2016
Fraxi Queen of the Forest-a new theatre production for young audiencesAsylon Theatre2015-2016
Ownership effect on benefits from woodland expansionForest Research/University of Edinburgh2015-2019
Who Will Pay for Urban Forest Climate Regulation Services?Southampton University/Forest Research2015-2018
Multi-taxa functional diversity in UK plantation forestsEdge Hill University; Forest ResearchSept 2015-Dec 2019
Emergent forest dynamics and natural flood managementBritish Geological Survey2015-2016
Re-evaluating rotational upland Sitka spruce mixturesDr Scott McG Wilson2014
Mapping and Repositioning Forestry Skills for the 21st Century University of the Highlands and Islands & The ...2014-2020
The Sylva ProjectRoyal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh and the Sylva Foun...2014-2015
Inaugural Annual LectureRoyal Scottish Forestry SocietyMarch 2014
Continuous Cover Forestry: Delivering Sustainable and Resilient Woodlands in Britain. - National Conference 2014The Continuous Cover Forestry Group 2014
Building capacity to restore Scotland's natural heritageThe Woodland Trust2013-2015
Regeneration & growth models for MOSES-GBForest Research Agency/Bangor University2013-2016
The impact of commercial woodland management on temperate insectivorous batsUniversity of Bristol / University of Cumbria2013-2016
Biodiversity training for communities Central Scotland Forest Trust2013-2014
Can ecological restoration help build sustainable communities?Cardiff University2013-2016
How environment and gene flow shape adaptation in Scots pineDr Alistair Jump (University of Stirling) with Dr ...2013-2016
Research for Preparation of Book: Sitka spruce, an environmental historyRuth Tittensor, Countryside Management Consultancy...2013-2014
OneOak Tree Exhibition - Royal Botanic Gardens EdinburghThe Sylva Foundation2012
IUFRO Conference 2012 - Managing forest for ecosystem services: can spruce forests show the way?Forest Research2012
Advanced Assessment of Minor G.B. Conifer speciesEdinburgh Napier University2012-2018
Alternative Silvicultural Systems - study of adoption and development of case-studiesDr. Scott McG Wilson2012-2013
Improving the production of local origin Aspen in ScotlandCoille Alba2012-2015
Soil Carbon, Farm Woodlands, and the Woodland Carbon CodeCranfield University2012-2014
A palaeoecological investigation of Tilia cordata in Skelghyll and Common Woods CumbriaDr Helen Shaw, Lancaster Environment Centre, Lanca...2011-2012
Susceptibility of Scots and Lodgepole pine provenances to Red Band Needle Blight caused by Dothistroma septosporumAberdeen University; Forest Research2011-2015
Growth and survival of provenances of snow gums (Eucalyptus pauciflora) and other hardy eucalyptsUniversity of Cumbria2011
Approaches to the retention of timber potential when restoring or enhancing PAWS sitesScott McG Wilson2011
The Social History of ForestryUniversity of the Highlands and Islands2009-2016
Documentary - Finding David DouglasForestry Commission and the Oregon Cultural Herita...2009-2010
Continuous Cover Forestry at GlentressEdinburgh University; Forest Research2009-2012
Sitka Spruce Segregation and CuttingGreg Searles at the Centre for Timber Engineering ...2008-2012
Bechstein's Bat SurveyBat Conservation Trust2007-2011
Modelling the effects of forest management on the wood properties and branch characteristics of UK-grown Scots pineAberdeen University; Forest Research2007-2010
Testing the Adaptive Significance of Seed Zones in Scots PineUniversity of Edinburgh; The Centre for Ecology an...2007-2010
Volunteering in Woodlands - Motivations and BarriersLiz O'Brien at Forest Research2007-2008
Determining the genetic heritability of wood properties of Sitka spruce critical to timber strengthAberdeen University; Forest Research2006-2009
Adaptation of Ash (Fraxinus excelsior) to Climate ChangeJo Clark, Bangor University2006-2013
The Effects of Transformation of Even Aged Stands to Continuous Cover Forestry on Conifer Log Quality and Wood Properties in the UK
Validation of a stem straightness scoring system for Sitka spruceForest Research1998-2000
Highlighted Projects